05 July 2011


I have struggled with the word all. a lot lately. or maybe more what I perceive to be people's understanding of the word all. maybe all adults should have another elementary school lesson on the definition of all and a few other seemingly simple words.

so I have questioned what all means. and after the 4th, how truly to we stand behind "all created equal"

I think some use all when they are advocating for one excluded group, but who is the all behind all the people you care about, all your friends, all the people you can see?

instead of continuing I will leave you with a word cloud. Many thanks to my friend Ethan for introducing me to www.wordle.net/

(I have made a few others off of blogs, and a few on some verses i still have to post. one for blog on Jan 1st and the other when I blogged about never being called a stranger. Feel free to click on those and check them out.)

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