Happy New Year!
Okay, this is my plan for the month: to post something on the blog everyday in January. Currently my internet isn’t working, but yes to post something for everyday. I have so many stories in my head and so much to share, but often the time to write my reflections is hard. But on the days where its not just reflections, I also plan to share photos.
So this is your free pass to give me a hard time if you don’t see something for everyday in January 2011. I shall try.
I was talking with Rachel and at different points shop keepers or sales persons right before the New Year. Rachel and I were saying 2010 was such a big year for South Africa, the whole nation was looking forward to the World Cup (well except those that holidayed away from South Africa to avoid it, and a few others). But some of the store clerks were just tired and ready for a new year.
Somewhere I fit into to all this. 2010 was a big year for me, the bumps and bruises healing and maybe a few small scars to carry forward. And definitely many new twinkles in my eye from all the joy and laughter. Mainly, lessons that will continue to carry me through to be stronger and thoughtful in different ways.
So as I should be looking forward its with some hesitancy I step, I like where I am today. And in a few months, knowing I could so much more in South Africa, I start the next big leg of the journey. I have no idea where I will be serving in the United States, so I dread goodbyes here, but I know soon my journey will take a big turn and I will be excited with energy and passion for it.
So peace to you all. Peace upon all you look forward to and all the unknown and unexpected joys and growing pains. Right now I am not anxious, I just want to be. I want to live everyday right where I am. But today I am calm, I am at peace.
Some days I know I will be more excited, but today I am happy as I just am…
May we all continue to journey together with peace in our hearts and actions and with strength in justice to create that.
Blessings to you,
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