Some of you know my love for Mama Judy’s. And I use her name, but it’s for the whole family and the place. In a strange way it’s our little homestead.
We brought Prince and Priscilla back and enjoyed a giant pot of samp and beans on the concrete outside the house, and our family mat. We were celebrating Mama Judy and Papa Gs birthdays. Then the ice cream and cake a cards to follow. It is amazing how hard it is for children to eat a whole bowl of food, but a whole bowl of ice cream or two is nothing.
The kids and Rachel and Freddy went to play jump rope, but my sore throat was getting worse. So Mama Judy and I like we were 16 lay on Prince’s bed and just talked. There is something about talking to her that makes it all a bit easier to understand. Complaining doesn’t really exist. Things just are the way they are, but we learn what strength is as we talk. The hopes and dreams peak through, but most of that joy and pride gets transferred to the children. And even when there is no money and things seem like pipe dreams, there are still possibilities and plans.
A few short weeks before we were celebrating Christmas there. Mama Judy showing my mom and Sarah how to make pap. The giant game of keep away that landed me in the pool (okay I jumped). A table full of people, who all got up to dance after dinner. Silly jokes and swimming in a pool in the dark. Mom giving Freddy swimming lessons and Judy and I dancing on a ledge in the pool. Papa G’s jokes.
And in our American tradition, presents. The kids got books it seems from everyone and art supplies. I thought we would overwhelm them. But for all of Christmas I was waiting for one gift. I had decided in all these conversations with Mama Judy, where little plans and dreams came in what this gift would be. I had talked to Rachel and Jen and they agreed.
Mom ad Rach played it off well, and the last big box went to Mama Judy. I was already excited and at peace and where I was supposed to be. But my excitement was with her. And she slowly opened it until she knew what it was, then in less than ten minutes it was up in running. Robert Papa G’s brother that sews for a living was there and the lessons were already started. Oh course Freddy went over the safety lesson first. And she remembers all the little tips everyone gives her, like my moms on the iron being sewing’s best friend.
She calls it our sewing machine and teaches herself a bit everyday. I don’t know if there was anything I would be so excited about, and she teaches herself so that she can have a future to provide for her family in another way. We are very proud of the new pillow cases and she has put ties on my piece of fabric to make it a skirt. (Papa G's instructions during the process were priceless, and I shall remember every stitch with pride.) But she provides for all of us with a joy in the diligence. So we all learn together on “our” sewing machine.
And that my friends is my best friend Mama Judy and our best tangible Christmas present. Always so much to be thankful for at the ‘homestead’.
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