So after all this moving, Rachel picks me up and we head on home.
They are doing major road work on the main route back to the city. I have been telling you about the sunflowers too. So some of this road work is taking over the sunflowers. And I was about to kick myself because I didn’t have my camera with me, to photograph the juxtaposition of the concrete and work equipment to these pesky sunflowers. As we are driving the earth is being scooped up heading toward the line of sunflowers.
Then just a bit further down the road we hit almost standstill traffic. We aren’t even halfway home and are planning to go serve soup on the streets that night with an organization Rachel had volunteered with a few times. (Our commute home is generally at least 45 minutes)
And we see another patch of sunflowers and start joking about going to grab some. Rachel is in the middle lane at this point but we are moving pretty slowly. We miss that group of sunflowers, but soon cross a bridge and come to a few more. Rachel has a chance to get in the other lane and there are some up ahead, so I jump out when the car isn’t quite stopped. But catch my footing and start running for a nice one (as traffic is moving faster than the standstill now). Luckily the flower is against a stomp so I brake it pretty easily, then start running trying to grab one or two more on the way, with only a raw hand to show for it. (We didn’t have a knife in the car or anything to assist with the tough stems.)
Rachel is a bit father up, so I continue my run noticing a group of guys in the back of a truck obviously thinking this girl running down the side of a highway holding up a sunflower was a bit funny. Rachel found some space to stop and I jumped in. Turns out Rachel decided she could stop because the guys behind us were laughing their heads off.
And thus our new little friend brightens up the flat and will not be taken by any heaving machinery. Not that we saved it, as I tour it out, but it does really brighten our day and it entertained a lot of people heading home on the N12 west.
Great story! I also really, really like your banner.